Directory Service Manager for DECdns HyperHelp System
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  In Auto Refresh mode, DSMDECdns bypasses its own mem-
  ory of the namespace structure and gets data directly from
  the nameservice as you are browsing the namespace struc-

  Since the namespace structure changes infrequently,
  DSMDECdns remembers the structure of the parts you've
  explored.  This makes viewing those parts much faster when
  you revisit them.

  However, this also means that if the namespace structure
  does change, you won't see those changes in any parts you've
  already explored.  Unless, that is, you turn on Auto Refresh.
  In this mode, every time you open a directory, DSMDECdns
  substitutes what it knew about that part of the namespace
  structure with new information from the nameservice.
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