Customizing Menu Bars Once you create a new menu, you need to add it to a menu bar. You can also remove menus that you do not need. To add a menu name to a menu bar: 1. Choose Menu Bar... from Session Manager's or FileView's Options menu. The Menu Bar dialog box is displayed. Existing menu names appear in the right-hand list box. New menu names appear in the left-hand list box. 2. In the left-hand list box, select the menu name you want to add to a menu bar. 3. Click on the arrow button that appears to move the menu name to the right-hand list box. 4. Click on OK or Apply to see your change. To remove a menu name from a menu bar. 1. Choose Menu Bar... from Session Manager's or FileView's Options menu. The Menu Bar dialog box is displayed. 2. In the right-hand list box, select the menu name that you want to remove from the menu bar. 3. Click on the arrow button that appears. 4. Click on OK or Apply to see your change.