Help on DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Clock
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  Overview of Clock

  The DECwindows Clock displays the date, a digital clock,
  and an analog clock.  The digital clock can display in 12- or
  24-hour format.

  You can also set an alarm that displays a message on your

  Clock has three menus:  File, Options, and Help.  Each menu
  contains menu items that you can choose.

  For more information about using Clock, double click on an
  item from the list of additional topics below.

  For information about using help, choose Using Help from
  the Help menu above.

  Additional topics:

  *   DECwindows Basics

  *   Changing the Clock Display

  *   Setting the Alarm

  *   Saving the Clock Settings

  *   Restoring the Default System Settings

  *   Shutting Off the Alarm

  *   Using the Clock Menus

  *   Exiting Clock
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