Help on DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Calculator
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  Keyboard Special Function Keys

  The following table indicates the keyboard keys that
  correspond to Calculator's special function display buttons.

  Display Button     Key

  deg               Ctrl+F8 or D
  rad               Ctrl+F8 or D
  grad              Ctrl+F8 or D
  x!                Ctrl+F9 or !

  1/x               Ctrl+F10 or ~

  Rnd               Ctrl+F11 or R

  Inv               Shift F3 or I
  sin               Shift F4 or S
  cos               Shift F5 or O
  tan               Shift F6 or T
  log               Shift F7 key, or L followed by O
  ln                Shift F8 key, or L followed by N
  Square Root        Shift F9 or Q

  Y^x               Shift F10 or ^

  PI                P

  Additional topics:

  *   Performing Arithmetic Functions

  *   Entering Data from the Keyboard

  *   Clearing the Displays

  *   Using Memory

  *   Undoing the Most Recently Performed Function

  *   Exiting Calculator

  *   Using Calculator's Menus

  *   Overview of Calculator
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