Displaying Figures, Tables, and Examples You may see cross-references within the text to figures, tables, examples or other sections . These cross-references are called hotspots. When you point to a hotspot, a rectangle surrounds it; when you double click MB1 on the hotspot, the figure, table, or example appears in a separate window. By default, hotspots are highlighted only when you point to them. To highlight hotspots continuously, choose Hotspots from the Topic window's View menu. A shaded check button to the left of the Hotspot menu item indicates that continuous highlighting of hotspots is enabled. To see a figure, table, or example: 1. Move the pointer to the figure, table, or example reference. A rectangle surrounds the reference. 2. Double click MB1. The figure, table, or example appears in a pop-up window. The window is sized according to the dimensions of the information. 3. When you finish viewing the figure, table, or example, click on the Close button at the bottom of the pop-up window. Additional topics: * Using Cross-References * Navigating through a Book * Bookreader Help Topics