Help on DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Bookreader
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  Context-Sensitive Help

  Choose Context-Sensitive Help from the Help menu to get
  help on objects in Bookreader windows and dialog boxes.
  The objects that you can get help on include menus, window
  objects, dialog box fields, and so forth.

  When you choose Context-Sensitive Help, the pointer changes
  to a question mark (?).  You can then point to any object in
  the application window or dialog box and click MB1.

  For example, to get help on a menu:

  1.   Choose Context-Sensitive Help from the Help menu.

  2.   Position the ?  on a menu in the application window and
      click MB1.
      Information on that menu appears in the help Topic
      window.  You may also see a list of additional topics that
      provide more information.

  Additional topics:

  *   Using Menus, Controls, and Dialog Boxes

  *   Bookreader Help Topics
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